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Recordings of our 2023-2024 Workshops

Carlos Martinez is an Earth scientist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research. He developed and chairs the American Meteorological Society's Committee on Spirituality, Multifaith Outreach, and Science (COSMOS). Carlos earned his doctorate in Earth and environmental science from Columbia University. Carlos offered a "status update" that included the latest National Climate Assessment that was just released, and of COP28. He then reviewed our potential collective and individual responses.  An excellent, accessible and informative workshop!

Andrea Pierce is Co-founder and chair of the Anishinaabek Caucus, member of the advisory board of Ann Arbor Public Power, member of the Little Traverse Bay Bands of Odawa Indians, and life-long activist on behalf of indigenous rights. She is also a grandmother, mother, auntie, and friend to innumerable people as her circle keeps growing. Andrea is a water protector, and will talk about current concerns that effect not only First Nation peoples but ALL communities, including the on-going battle to stop pipelines that threaten our environment, the PFAS that threaten our drinking water and what we can do about it! Presentation originally held Thursday, January 11, 2024

Water is Life

Indigenous Lifeways Threatened by Enbridge’s Line 5

John J. F. Thorne was been a life-long resident of Detroit (until having recently moving to the city of Atlanta, GA). A warm, compassionate, servant-leader, and a passionate speaker, John has been a campus minister, a teacher, a Pastoral Associate, and the Director of Black Catholic Ministries. John has spoken enthusiastically about the need for ALL churches to be more inclusive and welcoming. He has helped frame racism in both its historical and its current contexts. “People are wanting more in our society, more than just a tagline of 'Black Lives Matter', but that unity that people are looking for,” he said. “That’s the place we’re trying to get to, not only in the church but in our world.” Join us for this powerful evening.

The Trek: A Migrant Trail to America 

A Political Education Primer: Christian Zionism, BDS, and the Pursuit of a Christ-Centered Response

Scott Wright is a recognized Pax Christi USA Ambassador of Peace, and recently returned from the West Bank. Previously a member of the Pax Christi USA National Council, Scott served for six years as the Director of the Columban's Center for Advocacy and Outreach, which focuses on immigrant justice, peace, and the integrity of creation/environmental justice. He worked in El Salvador for eight years during the civil war, first with Salvadoran refugees in Honduras, and then with pastoral teams accompanying Salvadorans in areas of conflict. In 1991 he returned to Washington, DC and from 1991-2008 was a co-coordinator of the Ecumenical Program on Central America and the Caribbean (EPICA), with a brief interlude in 2005 when he served as the director of the Religious Task Force on Central America and Mexico – both faith-based advocacy organizations working for human rights, democracy, and social justice in the region. He also worked with survivors of torture as the advocacy coordinator for TASSC International from 2009 – 2013. In 2019, he and his equally impressive wife and partner-in-peace, Jean Stokan, who joins him here today as a co-presenter - were recognized with the CRISPAZ Peace Award, which is given to individuals that embody the preferential option for the poor in their work for the promotion of peace and social justice.  From February-March 2024, Scott participated in an ecumenical delegation to Bethlehem in the West Bank, returning to the U.S. to bear witness to what is happening there. Pax Christi Michigan is indeed fortunate to welcome these avid advocates for justice.

RECORDINGS of our 2022-2023 Winter Workshops


December 15, 2022 - 7pm Eastern time

Kathy Kelly

January 12, 2023 - 7pm Eastern time

February 09, 2023 - 7pm Eastern time

Charlene Howard

Even MORE of our Previous Winter Workshops

Recordings of wonderful workshops offered in previous years are available here:

Pax Christi Michigan

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              201 W. Miller Rd.;

              Lansing, MI  48911-4639


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