Statement of Purpose
Pax Christi Michigan is a region of Pax Christi USA, which in turn is a section of Pax Christi International. The name of this Catholic (catholic) peace movement means Peace of Christ. Our members include a broad spectrum of people - - lay and religious women and men, clergy, bishops, parents, educators, and students. Groups of members interested in coming together have established local Pax Christi communities throughout the state and on college campuses.
Pax Christi Michigan adopts as its own the Statement of Purpose of Pax Christi USA, part of which reads:
"Pax Christi intends to contribute to building peace and justice by exploring and articulating the ideal of Christian nonviolence, and by striving to apply it to personal life and to the structures of society."
Pax Christi has four priorities in determining programs and actions:
- Spirituality of Nonviolence and Peacemaking
- Disarmament, Demilitarization, and Reconciliation with Justice
- Economic and Interracial Justice in the US
- Human Rights and Global Restoration
Since its struggle in these areas arises from a Gospel vision of peace, Pax Christi asks its members to ground their peacemaking in prayer and reflection on the Peace of Christ - Pax Christi.