Pax Christi Michigan State Presents:
PCM's State Council offers this wonderful list of presentations over the 2021-2022 Winter season.
Thursday, January 13 at 7PM Eastern time:
Wayne State Professor Saeed Khan: The Outlook for Peace in the Middle East
Thursday, February 10 at 7PM Eastern time:
Fr. Fred Thelen: The 50th anniversary of Pax Christi USA and 45th for PCM
Thursday, March 10 at 7PM Eastern time:
Arizona State Professor and Director of the School of Transborder Studies, Dr. Irasema Coronado: The Situation at the U.S.- Mexico border, Especially for Children
RECORDED for those of you who missed it:
Thursday, December 9th:
Author and activist Marie Dennis: The Catholic Nonviolence Initiative
To view LAST YEAR's Workshops, click on the yellow link and it will take you to the recorded version.
Thursday, December 10th, 7PM, PCM Chair Bob Podzikowski: “Thomas Merton: The Year of the Cold War Letters.”
Thursday, January 14th, 7PM, PCM's Kim Redigan: “The Fierce Urgency of Now: Why Dr. King’s ‘Beyond Vietnam: Breaking the Silence’ is a Text for Our Time.”
Thursday, February 11th, 7PM, PCM's Ed Lorenz: “Fratelli Tutti and the Deep Spiritualism of Dorothy Day, Martin Luther King, Jr. and Pope Francis.”
Thursday, March 11th, 7PM, PCM's Jim Rauner will present “Jesus Founded a Church of Peace and Justice: Now He Is Asking Us To 'Rebuild My Church'"
"Beyond Personal Piety - The Laity’s Role in the Church’s Mission", by Michael Sweeney, OP, Commonweal Magazine, Feb 28, 2019
"How Big Money Is Dividing American Catholicism - A schism in the faith between liberals and conservatives is being exacerbated by a group of plutocrats", by Katherine Stewart, Mar 9, 2021, The New Republic
"Vatican II and the new Mission of the Church for the World", (condensed and annotated by Jim Rauner from Chapter 3, of “When the Gospel Grows Feet” by Thomas M Kelly, Associate Professor of Theology, Creighton University.