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PCM invites you to our 14th Annual New Year’s Day ecumenical prayer service (via Zoom this year). Held January 1, 2021 from 1 – 2:30 pm), Pax Christi Lansing and Pax Christi Michigan are providing you with an opportunity to be at peace by praying for peace with other lovers of peace.  “No Charge for Humanity” will highlight Pope Francis’ 2020 encyclical Fratelli Tutti on which recognizes ALL of us as FAMILY.   Via prayer, video, music and discussion, will focus on how we, MUST... close the gaps that separate us from each other.  Please register to participate by 12 noon on Friday, January 1, 2021 so we can forward to you a booklet to follow along.  Invite your family, friends, church and social groups to do the same.  ALL are welcome!  Really, ALL!

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