Our Conference Vendors

Pax Christi Michigan works to bring about peace locally, nationally, and globally through Prayer→ Study→Action. We are rooted in spirituality, dedicated to studying issues of justice from the vantage point of all those involved, and espouse working for peace with justice through nonviolent conflict transformation.

Looking for something that really "says" Pax Christi Michigan? Visit our on-line Cafe Press store. There's a little bit of something for everyone.

Friends of the Third World (FOTW) began in 1972 when students and teachers formed a fundraising project to aid the hungry. FOTW currently operates job training programs at its building in Fort Wayne and markets handmade crafts from 80 partner groups in 35 countries. Nearly 80% of the sales price of an item goes back in the form of fair trade payments to the producers.

OUR MAIN STORE: www.thethirdworldshoppe.com
For books, maps, and other items relating to social activism, visit
(On this site, Pax Christi Michigan conference attendees can place an order using the discount code PCMICHIGAN and receive 20% discount.
We will also donate 10% to Pax Christi Michigan. Shipping will be
Added to each order.

Meta Peace Team empowers people to engage in active nonviolent peace-making. MPT was started in 1993 in response to the growing need for civilian peace-makers both in the U.S. and abroad. We offer non-violence training workshops and provide opportunities to join peace teams. We seek a just world grounded in nonviolence and respect for the sacred interconnectedness of all life.

We must clear out the last of our Fair Trade Palestinian Olive Oil stock.
Medium Bottles $20→ SALE PRICE $15
Large Bottles $25 → SALE PRICE $20
You MUST pick up at either our Lansing or Detroit Office (no shipping)